Jill’s Favorite Music of 2024
Getting right back to it with Mag Bay’s cosmic art-pop, J-Pratt’s dispatches from another century, the Ginger Root cinematic universe, and a sage-of-mind country duet from Waxahatchee x MJ Lenderman
Getting right back to it with Mag Bay’s cosmic art-pop, J-Pratt’s dispatches from another century, the Ginger Root cinematic universe, and a sage-of-mind country duet from Waxahatchee x MJ Lenderman
Including TikTok mashups and epic albums, ambient jazz and sugar-rush pop, beloved stalwarts and geniuses you’ve never heard of
The DIY live shows, YouTube loosies, local radio broadcasts—and OK, a few albums—that defined my year
Twenty great hip-hop joints from off the beaten path
A non-hierarchical list of music that kept me going in the Year of the Basura
There’s gotta be at least one song that doesn’t make you want to die.
In an era when seemingly every issue is hyper-partisan, opposition to the concert-industry behemoth is one thing we can all agree on.
Consider yourself warned.
Chronicling dance music’s current pendulum shift to lower, slower sounds that go on forever
The experimental-pop musician’s live show was a merciful reminder to slow the hell down.
My favorite concert series in New York City reconnects audiences with their ability to mourn.